Strona główna Wydarzenia / Events PEACEFUL Rally in Solidarity with Woman’s Rights in Poland

PEACEFUL Rally in Solidarity with Woman’s Rights in Poland


Pokażmy solidarność z Polkami i Polakami protestującymi obecnie na ulicach Polski o PRAWO WYBORU, o prawo decydowania o swoim życiu i swojej przyszłości! Niech nasz protest bedzie pokojowy i bez wulgaryzmow.Tylko w ten sposob mozemy pomoc naszym ” siostrom” w Polsce.

Przynieśmy polskie flagi, czarne lub tęczowe parasole, transparenty, plakaty( bez wulgaryzmow) i dużo pozytywnej energii. MASKI, jak i zachowanie dystansu społecznego OBOWIĄZKOWE!
Dla “zapominalskich” maski i sanitizer beda dostepne na miejscu.

Protest zostal zgloszony i bedzie mial wsparcie City of Edmonton i Edmonton Police Department.

Democracy Action Poland Committee – Canada DAPC – Canada

Since Thursday October 22, protesters gather across Poland after the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that abortion due to fetal defects was unconstitutional, banning the most common of the few legal grounds for ending a pregnancy in Poland.

Let us show solidarity with Polish women and men demonstrating in favour of their RIGHT TO CHOSE, their right to decide about their lives and their future!

Bring black or rainbow umbrellas, banners, posters( no profanity ) and lots of positive energy. MASKS and social distancing are MANDATORY! For those who forget..The masks and sanitizer will be available at the spot!

The City of Edmonton as well as Edmonton Police Departament have been notified and are supporting our protest.

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